Ralph’s Blog
Edmonton’s longest-standing Graduate Gemologist, Ralph Vandenberg, has traveled the world honing his craft. Whether he is visiting the DeBeers’ diamond mines in Botswana or haggling over sapphires in the cutting rooms of Mumbai, India, Ralph is always on the lookout for the precious gems dreams are made of.
“Come with us, please”
Now, this was in the 1990’s and tensions were high in Israel. Security was always tight, but this time it was exceptionally tight. It was a time of the Temple mount riots, Suicide bombings, rumours of wars. Every other day we were hearing of something new. But, there was a large and growing Diamond contingent in Tel Aviv and we really couldn't afford to bypass it.
An experience I’ll never forget
It was early in the "Diamond play", the term [...]
What? Retire? Me?…. naw, not yet
It was early in the year 2018 and my [...]
Edmonton’s original “Indiana Stones”
"McBEAN, Roger Roger Christopher McBean passed away on June [...]
“THUD” ???
How big?!?!?! It was finally time to go. I [...]
How it all began…..
I am often asked how I got into the [...]